Dear Basketball
Write a letter to Basketball as if it's a person. Describe the impact that it's had on your life; good or bad.
End-of-the-Year Banquet Speech
Fast forward to the end-of-the-year team celebration (banquet). Pretend that either your coach or a teammate is getting up to address the room full of people about you.
Write out the speech that you would want your coaches or teammates to say about you.
You must incorporate the ten skills that you circled in “Character Skills” into your speech.
Control the Controllables
One of the biggest concepts to understand and live by in order to reach your full potential as an athlete, and more importantly, as a person, is controlling the controllables.
This means you need to focus on and take care of the things within your control and learn to ignore or work around the things outside of your control.
First, take a moment to consider all of the uncontrollables and write them down. Then, write down the controllables.
Inner Circle
If you had a career ending injury, who would still be there for you loving you and supporting you unconditionally?
Your “Inner Circle” are the people who view you as a person first. They are the people that have your best interest at heart. If you can create a situation where the forces of your inner circle are stronger than the external forces, it can help you stay humble and hungry.
Take five minutes to write down the names of these people inside your Inner Circle.
Board of Directors
What’s a board of directors? A collection of people that oversee the activities of a business and help provide different perspectives to help the business grow.
In your case, a go-to list of people that can help guide you with what you are doing. They may or may not be a part of your Inner Circle. Please consider all areas of your life, not just basketball.
Jot down the names of your Board Members.
Dear Pressure
When are you more likely to study for a test?
A week before the test or a night before?
What if there wasn’t a test? Would you study?
What does this reveal about pressure?
Reflect and write a thank you note to pressure to see how it’s helped you.
Take your time when you do. It might unlock a new perspective.
Game Dedication
Use basketball to honor the people in your life that are important to you.
You might want to find ways to “bring them” into the game.
For example, send them a note/text sharing your dedication.
Write their initials on your shoes.
Go public (social media) with the dedication.