There are many types of training activities that can be utilized to develop cardiovascular endurance. The most effective activities in developing cardiofitness are aerobic in nature. Aerobic forms of exercise utilize oxygen to generate fuel for sustaining activity for relatively longer periods of time. Jumping rope and running both require large muscle work, elevate the heart rate between 60% and 90% of maximal heart rate, and are continuous in nature.
Jump Rope
The basic technique for jumping rope entails holding the ends of the rope at waist level. Point your hands away from your body and keep your elbows close to your body. Move your forearms in a tight circular motion while your wrists rotate, allowing for a tight and consistent rope spin. The jump is performed by pushing off the toes while jumping just high enough for the rope to pass under your feet. Jumping rope can enhance your footwork if a variety of jump steps are incorporated into your routine.
1. Regular Jump (bounce)
2. Alternating Jump (bounce)
3. Boxer (alternate 2x)
4. Single Foot
5. Skier (side-to-side)
6. Bell (back and forth)
7. Jack Flash (in-out)
8. Nordic (forward shuffle)
9. Twist (half rotation)
10. Peek-a-Boo (tap foot outside)
11. Lateral Extension (shuffle step)
12. Butt-kick (backward shuffle)
13. Criss-Cross
14. Leap-up (one under)
15. Double Under (double jump)
16. Shuffle (dynamic push-step)
17. Butt-kicks (dynamic)
18. High Knees (dynamic)
19. Gallop (dynamic)
20. Create (dynamic)
The biggest difference between jogging and running techniques is the stride. Joggers tend to have shorter strides than runners do. Runners also land on the balls of their feet as opposed to the heels. The following are all different forms of running to increase cardiofitness.
3 in 3
A "suicide" is when you sprint to the freethrow line extended and back, sprint to halfcourt and back, sprint to the far freethrow line extended and back, and finish by sprinting to the baseline and back. Run one "suicide" every minute, on the minute. This can easily be intensified to "5 in 5" or "10 in 10”.
Additional Sprints
3-2-3 — Sprint 3 down and backs. Then 2 down and backs, however, this time back pedal from freethrow line to freethrow line. When doing so, point to ball-man and call the ball.
10 in 1 — Sprint 10 lengths of the floor in one minute.
Coordination Drill — Sprint 5 forward steps, 5 carioca steps, 5 backward steps and 5 more carioca steps. Repeat as necessary.
Ladders — Sprint 2 lengths, recover, 4 lengths, recover, 6 lengths, and so on. Progress up to 10 and then regress back down.
Run Rabbit — Start under the basket, sprint to far top of key, hockey stop, return but now your opponent chases after you. Repeat.
Sweet 16 — Sprint 16 widths of the floor in one minute.
Agility Drills
2-Ball Dance
Assume a ready stance 10 feet away from your partner. Your partner holds a tennis ball in each hand. He tosses a ball to your left and right in varying patterns.
Your goal is to push-step to the ball and catch it before the second bounce. Toss the ball back to your partner and return to the starting point. Passer should immediately throw the next ball. Repeat for :30 seconds.
2-Ball Pick Up
Face forward and assume a push-up position. Your partner is kneeling behind you with 2 tennis balls. He rolls the first one out in front of you and then the second one.
He is to vary the angles and speeds. Your goal is to sprint to the first and push-step to the second oncoming ball. Repeat 10 times each.
Center Circle Chase
Using the center jump circle and/or freethrow circle, start opposite of your partner. Take turns being “it” and chase your partner until you are able to tag him.
Center Circle Shuffle
Using the center jump circle and/or freethrow circle, start opposite of your partner. The leader attempts to out-quick and out-shuffle his partner around the circle.
Four Cone Line Drill
Sprint along the right side to the first cone, and then backpedal around the cone. Explode to the second cone and repeat the process.
Do this 3 times to the right side of the cones and then 3 times to the left side of the cones. The cones are to be placed in a row, 3 yards a part.
Lane Shuffle Drill
Start on one side of the lane. Stay in your stance as you push-step across the paint placing your outside foot on the other side of the lane. Be sure to plant and drive off of your outside foot.
Push-step back and forth 10 times or for :30 seconds. Players can go together in pairs for competition.
Mirror Drill
Begin in a good ready stance facing your partner (about 5 feet away). The leader attempts to out-quick and out-shuffle his partner.
Take turns leading for :20 to :30 seconds each.
Pro Agility Drill
Begin in a good ready stance. Sprint to the right line (5 yards away) and touch it with your right hand.
Explode back across the middle starting point – continue to the left line (5 yards away) and touch it with your left hand. Finish strong by returning to the middle.
T-Course Drill
Start at the freethrow line facing the baseline.
Sprint directly underneath the basket, shuffle to the left sideline, change direction and shuffle to the right sideline, then shuffle back to the basket and backpedal to the start point. Stay low.
Using the freethrow lane as your “box”, start underneath the basket. Close-out to the freethrow elbow, retreat step and shuffle diagonally back to the baseline.
Repeat on the opposite side. This can also be done using a carioca step.