Individual Drills
Perimeter Drills
Sundance “Moves on the Move” Drill
Player A starts at halfcourt, just outside the circle (weak hand side). He begins with a spin-out pass and then assumes the triple-threat position. Execute live ball move.
After finishing (lay-up and/or pull-up jump shot), player A spins another pass to himself and opens up to the middle of the floor. Then, using the same move he breaks the “press” up the middle to halfcourt. Move to strong side, then repeat weak side again.
Select 4-5 Moves on the Move: 1) Speed Dribble 2) Inside-out 3) Crossover 4) Between the Legs, left to right 5) Pullback Crossover, right to left 6) Hesitation 7) Create.
Red, White & Blue (1-on-1 Cut Throat)
Player A begins at the key and player B and C stand underneath the hoop. Player B rolls the ball to player A and then closes-out on the ball.
Player A calls out his score and has three dribbles of use. If player A scores, he remains on offense and player C becomes the new defense.
If player B stops the offense, he becomes offense versus player C. Play to seven.
Post Play
Post Drills
Mikan & Reverse Mikan Drill
Player A keeps the ball above his shoulders and drives his outside knee into the air executing a proper hook shot.
Make ten in a row and then add the reverse Mikan.
Same drill, but player A comes from underneath the basket (pinky finger “pokes you in the eye”).
For the ultimate challenge, add a second ball.
Groove the Hook
Player A begins outside the lane, perpendicular to the baseline. He then makes a spin-out pass to himself just in front of the basket.
Practice “ball in the air, feet in the air” concept and “chinning the ball” prior to grooving the hook.
Repeat from the opposite side.
6-Shot Circuit (Detlef Schrempf Drill)
Three cones are set up according to the “rebounder’s triangle”. Two balls are needed.
Player A begins curling tight around a cone on the block and player B passes to him from the top. Player C serves as the rebounder.
Player A first shoots a hook shot. Figure 8’s around the opposite cone and shoots another hook shot. He repeats this pattern, but his next two shots are drop steps and finishes with two up & under’s.
3-Player Continuous Post Moves
Player A begins on the block and player B guards him. Player C serves as the passer from the wing.
Player A executes a post move, rebounds his own shot and assumes the opposite wing position.
Player B becomes the offense and player C defense.
Utilize various post moves and repeat accordingly.
Red, White & Blue (1-on-1 Cut Throat)
Player A begins on the block and player B guards him. Player C serves as the passer from the wing or a coach if available.
Player A has one dribble to score from a post move. If player A scores, he remains on offense and player C becomes the new defense.
If player B stops the offense, he becomes offense. Play to seven.